Hello, Mr. King

Tomorrow night I will attend a Q&A event with Stephen King. He will perform a reading from his latest novel, Revival, and, if I’m very lucky, I will go home with a signed copy.

I’m terribly excited. In anticipation, I’ve been re-reading King’s autobiography (which is also a brilliant guide for aspiring authors), On Writing. I’ve also been thinking about my favorite movies based on his works. I’ve collected the following list. Keep in mind these are simply the titles for which I feel the greatest amount of affection, not necessarily the best examples of high-quality cinema.

Stand by Me

Despite committing to film one of the most epic vomit scenes of all time (which I always have to skip past), this is one of my favorites. And, as a flashback movie, it’s so specifically rooted in one particular lifetime, so that it feels timeless, even though it came out over 25 years ago.

The Shawshank Redemption

Of course.


My partner laughs at me because I will frequently watch movies when they come on television just to see one special scene, and then turn the channel after that scene is over. 1408 is like that. Even if everything else in the movie sucked, I would still love it just for the powerhouse dialogue between John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. However, I honestly believe the whole movie is an underrated gem.

The Stand

An epic television event from my freshman year of high school. So, yeah, it takes forever to watch, but it’s available on Netflix for all your binge-watching needs.

Silver Bullet

I love this shitty movie. The Shining may be iconic, masterful film-making, but I appreciate it far more than I actually enjoy it. Silver Bullet is so incredibly entertaining in how awful it is. Also, it has Gary Busey as the original Drunk Uncle. If you need help getting into the spirit, try this drinking game.

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